'Ohana - the coffee family

Downtown, where you can never get enough of the good stuff!

We got to know each other through coffee and thus learned a lot about each other, not about whether you drink your coffee in the morning or in the afternoon, but about what is important in life. For us, it's family. This realization led us to create 'OHANA the coffee family. A place where, in addition to making the best quality coffees for you, you can try out how to roast your own coffee and become a member of our family, which is more than a small group of people who love coffee.

"I owe my family to coffee, since 8 years ago I met my wonderful wife, who was a regular guest, at my first job at a specialty coffee shop."

After that, we had a lot of coffee together, and later the birth of our first child started in a coffee shop... of course not like in the movies. It became clear that the main principle of the place I once dreamed of should be a family-friendly place that makes room for new relationships, but of outstanding quality, even on the international market. When I was abroad, I absorbed many things that I consider very important to incorporate into the life of the OHANA' cafe at home. I am happy that the cafe was created and I hope many more guests will be part of this wonderful coffee family.

Ádám Benkovich, head barista, owner

"For me, catering is more than simple work or pairing beautifully served and delicious food and drinks."

For me, catering is more than simple work or pairing beautifully served and delicious food and drinks. My passion is this lifestyle, because something new and unexpected is constantly happening. Spinning, the noise of people and machines may even give you more energy than coffee. In recent years, as Ádám's guest, I was lucky enough to discover a similar way of thinking in him, and I hope that together with him and the 'Ohana family, we will be able to offer you not only a new cafe, but also a new experience. If you want to talk about something other than coffee (like lightsabers or pirate ships in the Caribbean), I'm your man! I'm not afraid of questions about wines and gin and tonic pairings either. It doesn't matter if Bing is the topic, just save it from Berry and Babóca!

Winning alias Yuzu

"I always wanted a place where people could give themselves and each other valuable, meaningful time and attention."

I knew a long time ago that one of the best ways to do this would be gastronomy, so when I met the quality coffees here and of course Ádi, it wasn't difficult to put the picture together. In business life, it is impossible to work only with people and partners who can have a positive effect on us, so I was very happy that here I can choose who, what and how I want to work with. And as a father, I want to give my little son values ​​with which he can live a happier, fuller life.

Dániel Kiss, owner

Why 'Ohana?

"Ohana" means family in Hawaiian. 'OHANA is the harmony of love, peace and family through gastronomy. Through a lucky personal experience, we managed to get closer to the magical culture of Hawaii and, of course, to the people who live there. That's when we realized that we wanted to bring this feeling of life to our small country. The people living on the islands live their everyday lives in a kind of melting pot, yet in addition to keeping their own culture, they also respect everyone else's. This attitude can be a good example for all countries. In addition, closeness to nature plays a decisive role in the daily life of the islands, which is increasingly lacking in our fast-paced world. We hope that families and groups of friends can spend valuable time in our cafe and that new loves will be formed.

"szerettünk volna minőségben meg nem alkuvó helyet, „szerelem-projektet” nyitni, ahol mi is szívesen töltünk időt."

Már majdnem 20 éve megvolt az üzlethelyiség, ami hol nemzetközi újságos, hol pedig pékség volt. 2020-ban úgy gondoltuk, hogy ideje megvalósítani álmainkat, de persze jött a pandémia. A covid alatt megvolt a romantikája az üres üzletben való ultizással egybekötött tervezésnek, de egy idő után rájöttünk, hogy szakmai segítséget kell igénybe vennünk, hogy egy, a minőségben meg nem alkuvó helyet, „szerelem-projektet” nyithassunk, ahol mi is szívesen töltünk időt. Egy üzleti találkozón tévedtünk be az „ős-Ohanába”, ahol először nem is a világ legfinomabb kávéja, hanem maga a kávégép és a környezet fogott meg bennünket. A fiúk, Ádám és Dani koncepciója teljesen megegyezett azzal, amiről a borozgatós/ultizós estéken beszéltünk. Szerencsére ők is örömmel ültek egy asztalhoz velünk és a „franchise-gazdáinkká” váltak. Egy év tervezés és megvalósítás után, 2024 Július 15-én megnyitottuk az 'Ohana Kálvint. Pénzt, paripát, fegyvert nem sajnáltunk a megvalósításkor és Ádám/Győző páros szaktudásával és elhivatottságával kiegészítve, azt gondoljuk, hogy mi mindent megtettünk, hogy Budapest egyik legjobb kávézója legyen a helyből.

Garda Péter | Kóbor György, tukajdonosok